I set up my accounting system with QuickBooks yesterday. May 20th was exactly one month after my business and brand launch. Of course, I’d had that task on my To-Do List since before 4/20, but it was one of those line items that kept getting circled and pushed to the next list. (That’s how I […]

Sink Drinks
My cats drink from the sink in my restroom. I’ve lived here since October but the practice only started about one month ago. When I wake up, I 1.) Make a beeline for the kitchen to turn on the coffee, 2.) Walk to my closet to put on some shorts, a t-shirt and my New […]

Tuesday Nights
I have a ritual on Tuesday nights. Calling it a “ritual” sounds much better and more professional than describing it as a “bad habit.” Pro athletes have rituals for God’s sake. When I used to play a lot of competitive tennis, my coaches encouraged rituals. Bouncing the ball a certain number of times before you […]

YouTube is Hard
Y’all. YouTube is hard. That is actually a gargantuan “under” statement. I have such confidence that my YT content is strong (funny, inspiring and actually very helpful to a broad audience of social media users), but I’ve quickly discovered that driving folks there to subscribe is no less than a Herculean feat. Prior to my […]

Do you love Dallas?
I definitely do. I can play the game, tell the jokes and poke fun at it like any proper Houstonian should, but Dallas has it going on. Now, you should understand that my opinion here is coming through a large and mighty queer lens. To clarify, I love the part of the Big D that […]

Launch Week
Y’all I’ve never launched a brand before, but in hindsight (and with no basis for comparison) I think that it went extremely well. Starting off on my launch date of Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at least three times a day I thought, “I should write a blog about this.” But alas, I had no time. […]

Modern Southern Gentleman
When I defined the brand Seersucker Stud, I chose four words to describe the modern southern gentleman: smart, progressive, witty and sexy. I thought long and hard about those adjectives. When I am asked about the brand, I must nail my elevator speech every single time, “Seersucker Stud embodies the modern southern gentleman: smart, progressive, […]