It is extremely flattering when someone asks me if I have an OnlyFans account. It means that they are interested in seeing me naked and/or seeing me have sex with myself, someone else or a group of people. They desire to see more of me than they are presently seeing. And any way you look at it, that’s a compliment – and I sincerely appreciate it.
Now, the reason that the first question on my FAQ Page deals with OnlyFans isn’t because it came first alphabetically. It receives the top placement because it is literally the most frequently asked question. Y’all. I’m so about that. A lot of y’all want to see this D and that gives me joy.
So, the Economics major in me thinks, hey, if there is such demand, shouldn’t I profit by putting out a little supply? I mean why not? I’m absolutely not morally opposed to it. I salute all of the empowered men and women that are using that platform to help provide for themselves and/or their families. I just don’t feel comfortable with it personally right now. That’s just me.
Please do understand – my not feeling comfortable with it does not cast judgment on those that participate on that platform. I admire them. I am also very inspired by those that manage to have such quality content across numerous platforms with only one of them being OnlyFans.
With Instagram, I think that I’ve gotten a tremendous amount of affirmation about my body. I’m so grateful for that. But, for me, and the way my mind works and what motivates me, the next step is not to get more affirmation about my body. I would like you to get to know me. It would flatter me more if you started to find me smart and funny – maybe even more than thinking I’m sexy. So that’s why my first venture away from Instagram is here. Then, later this week you’ll hopefully enjoy my YouTube series. I want to make you laugh. I want to inspire you to be yourself, take risks and enjoy life – because it is very short.
So, here’s the thing. I’m not saying OnlyFans won’t ever happen. I’m going to leave that possibility open. However, I do not see it happening any time soon. The launch of this brand and the existing platforms I will try to grow will be all-consuming.
I will say this. I don’t really do mediocrity. So, when and if I do launch an OnlyFans, it won’t be lacking. The posts won’t be inconsistent. I’ll bring variety. And I’ll bring my A Game. So, until that occurs, I’ll expect to continue to get that inquiry up in my DMs. And every time, I’ll remain flattered by the question.