Hey y’all. Welcome to my blog. This page has been the single-most-difficult of all components to finalize prior to my brand launch. I’ve written numerous posts. I’ve deleted those drafts and started over. I recruited my friend Emilie to proof the entries, but then I had to admit to her that I had writer’s block like Blanche Deveraux.
I think the genesis of the problem, which is not uncommon for me, is that I have been putting too much pressure on myself. I was attempting to be Pat Conroy straight out of the gate…and really, I just need to allow the blog to grow and mature in tandem with the evolution of my new business venture.
So rather than having a first blog entry about the pursuit of happiness (I worked extremely hard on that one…), I’m kicking it off with an inaugural post to explain the who, what, where, why and how of my personal blog.
With this website launch you are going to see a lot of peripheral branding come into the picture. Yes, I’m talking about all things “Seersucker Stud.” Now don’t get me wrong, I love the brand. I’m all about the brand. But I do believe there is a possibility, even if remote, that when a person is the brand – there could exist confusion that those two things are the same. They aren’t. Imagine a Venn diagram. There would most certainly be cross-over of the two circles – the one representing Seersucker Stud and the second symbolizing Ryan. The “Seersucker Stud” is stylized, gorgeous and has six-pack abs (on a good day). While “Ryan” is imperfect, trying to work through a dramatic life change, cognizant of his privileges and inspired to empower others. In my photo galleries, on my thirst trap IG account and with the merchandise in my store, you’ll find the Seersucker Stud. When you come to this page, you’ll just find me.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of topics that this blog will cover: travel, modeling experiences, divorce, cats, food, health and fitness, my favorite Instagram crushes, meditation, dating (eyeroll), politics and any stories I’m capable of generating that are funny and inspiring. Profanity is a possibility but I’ll try and keep it to a minimum so as not to offend my mom. This isn’t a [fill in the blank] blog. It’s just my blog. And I’m proud to be creating something on my own.
Blog entries could be written from anywhere. I’m so, so grateful to be fully-vaccinated and I do look forward to traveling. Hopefully I’ll have a good number of “on location” blogs. However, the blogs will for the most part be scripted in the comfort and intimacy of my apartment in the Houston Heights.
For a little over a year, I’ve had an absolute blast on Instagram. That platform means a great deal to me – and it’s perfect for sharing steamy photographs. But I personally do not believe that it is ideal for telling stories, advocating for policy change and revealing my true character. Captions there are based on innuendo, sarcasm, inquiry and emojis. I love words – and so I created a space where they could be the focus.
This is not going to be a daily blog. My goal is to complete 2-3 blog entries per week. Possibly more…and maybe less if I need a breather. If you haven’t discerned this about me already, I’m a creature of habit. I thrive on a routine. I like delivering with consistency. When I start to do something “daily” – it generates anxiety and weakens the authenticity and natural flow of my writing when I’m forced to meet a self-imposed deadline over a very long period of time.
So, like any good direct examination, there’s your who, what, where, why and how. I’m confident and I’m having fun, but I am nervous. I want to make this work. I thank you in advance for your support and being along for what’s sure to be a very wild ride.
If you’d like to be among the first-notified when my YouTube series drops on Friday, please use the form below to sign-up for my Newsletter announcement. If you would like to join as a guest for the inaugural Stud Talk Zoom featuring my friend, the amazing Kyle Kuhlman (IG @kymkuhlman), please click here to buy your ticket to the limited capacity event.