When I defined the brand Seersucker Stud, I chose four words to describe the modern southern gentleman: smart, progressive, witty and sexy. I thought long and hard about those adjectives. When I am asked about the brand, I must nail my elevator speech every single time, “Seersucker Stud embodies the modern southern gentleman: smart, progressive, witty and sexy.” It has to roll off of my tongue with confidence and I cannot fumble the words. While I do believe those words capture the essence of the modern southern gentleman and offer broad-based brand appeal, I’d like to expand that definition for you here today. “Seersucker Stud embodies the modern southern gentleman. He
- Believes in science;
- Trusts black women;
- Agrees with calls to defund the police;
- Protects trans kids;
- Respects all women;
- Understands that the criminal justice system is not flawed. It’s operating exactly as it was designed. And for this reason, it needs to be thoroughly dismantled and reinvented;
- Supports the passage of the Equality Act;
- Keeps a secret;
- Has zero problem with Biden packing the Court after Mitch McConnell and the Republicans’ heinous dereliction of their constitutional duty in refusing to give Merrick Garland a hearing;
- Is gay, or, has a shit-ton of gay friends;
- Sends a thank you note;
- Checks his privilege;
- Sees that gender is a social construct;
- Passionately fights for a woman’s right to an abortion;
- Can be but doesn’t have to be married or have children;
- Exhibits anti-racist behavior;
- Loves all body types;
- Doesn’t kiss and tell;
- Gives generously;
- Takes issue with American exceptionalism;
- Is well-traveled and embraces other cultures;
- Knows that there isn’t a thing as being truly “self-made” – but makes his in way in the world through his own relentless hustle;
- Prioritizes making fun of himself over others; and
- Sometimes gives a polite pass on the mint julep because he’s much happier being stoned.”
And, here’s the thing. The “modern” southern gentleman still doesn’t wear white after Labor Day. @ me all you want – I’m not budging.